
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) allows for the high-resolution reconstruction of 3D structures of proteins and other biomolecules. Successful reconstruction of both shape and movement greatly helps understand the fundamental processes of life. However, it is still challenging to reconstruct the continuous motions of 3D structures from hundreds of thousands of noisy and randomly oriented 2D cryo-EM images. Recent advancements use Fourier domain coordinate-based neural networks to continuously model 3D conformations, yet they often struggle to capture local flexible regions accurately. We propose CryoFormer, a new approach for continuous heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. Our approach leverages an implicit feature volume directly in the real domain as the 3D representation. We further introduce a novel query-based deformation transformer decoder to improve the reconstruction quality. Our approach is capable of refining pre-computed pose estimations and locating flexible regions. In experiments, our method outperforms current approaches on three public datasets (1 synthetic and 2 experimental) and a new synthetic dataset of PEDV spike protein.



Continuous Modeling of Conformational Heterogeneity

Using a transformer-based neural representation built in the spatial domain, cryoFormer is capable of continuously modeling the conformational heterogeneity, while recovering fine details of structures.

Visualization of 3D Attention Maps

We map the value in the 3D attention map to the surface color of the reconstructed volume. The displayed channel of the 3D attention map captures information about the flexible regions of the PEDV spike.

Comparison with Baselines on Synthetic Datasets

We compare CryoFormer with CryoDRGN and SFBP on PEDV. On CryoDRGN Synthetic Dataset, CryoFormer reconstructed volumes qualitatively match the ground truth and baselines' reconstructed structures, with better recovery of details.
On PEDV spike synthetic dataset, with SNR = 0.01. The volumes reconstructed by CryoFormer exhibit better restoration of details than the baselines.

Reconstruction on Real Experimental Datasets

We evaluate our approach on an experimental dataset of 80S ribosome from EMPIAR-10028. Our method manages to recover the shape and integrity of detailed structures like the α-helices in contrast to baseline approaches.
On EMPIAR-10180 (a pre-catalytic spliceosome), our method manages to maintain structural integrity during dynamic processes, while our reconstructions exhibit a clear outline of the secondary structure.



The website template was borrowed from Michaël Gharbi.